Thursday, January 16, 2014

More Tu B'Shevat Decor

It's interesting that a month ago I had never heard of Tu B'Shevat and now, it is quickly becoming one of my favorite Jewish holidays. It certainly provides ample opportunities to decorate the library. And I will take any excuse I can get in order to decorate. Needless to say, when I saw Dena's beautiful line-drawn trees over at Chai & Home, I knew I had to try to create some garland of my own.
First and foremost, I will never claim to be an artist. I can trace like a madman, but anything beyond that usually turns out to be a disappointment. So, when Dena said that the trees were "dead easy to draw even if you never, ever, ever draw," I thought I was good to go. Well, you be the judge. I think some are adorable and others are, well... a little lopsided-rainbow-ish looking.
Regardless, once they were hung in the library (from a distance) they added a nice, rustic touch and I loved the look of the recycled brown paper bag and cotton string. I just adore the little clothespins (granted, I have to adore them, I think I drove 30+ miles to get them). And the best part, because the school is settled in a beautiful forest-y area, I think the garland might stay up in the window for the foreseeable future.

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