Thursday, January 16, 2014

Just a Little More Tu B'Shevat

Okay, I promise this is the last Tu B'Shevat-insipred post, but I just couldn't resist sharing the piece de resistance! And I won't say much, because I think it speaks for itself...
The tree is made of recycled brown paper bags, the leaves are pages from an old book (cut into heart shapes and painted with green tempera paint), the wording is made from twigs picked up off of the school playground, and the moss is from Hobby Lobby (it would have taken waaaaay too long to dry moss from outside--this is Seattle, after all).

 Also, I had to share the transformation the library took on Tu B'Shevat when we welcomed other Jewish day schools from around the city. Our head of school created this beautiful (and lovely smelling) space...

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