Wednesday, August 6, 2014

It's The Simple Things

Do you ever have moments when the universe comes together to let you know you've chosen the right path and you're in the right place at the right time? Today, I had one of those days. And it was a beautiful reminder that came at exactly the right moment.

I was going through some end-of-the-year notes and came across this little gem...
Dear Mrs. Todd, You have reawakened the SHA library! You have planted excitement about books and reading in our children! You have introduced new authors and titles to our family. We are so grateful that you have come to SHA! Thank you for a great year! Have a wonderful summer!

Whether you're a banker or an electrician, a scientist or a... school librarian, my hope for you is that, from time to time, you experience this realization. Sometimes it's clear as day, but other times it's a quiet whisper, so be sure to listen closely...

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