Friday, May 9, 2014

Mother's Day Gifts

This week some of my older kiddos made Mother's Day gifts during library and they are enough to just melt your heart!! I discovered the idea through Pinterest (where else?) where Sandy and her second graders made beautiful "I Love You Because..." cards with their iPads. By the way, if you haven't discovered Soaring Through Second Grade, it's a must, must, must!
Instead of using the iPads, the kids finished their sentences on paper and added a little decorative flare. After taking their pictures and printing them out, I added the photos to the back of their paper for a special little Mother's Day gift.
I did this with kindergarten, first, second and fifth. While they were all great, fifth grade was a bit tough. Some of the work was beautiful and heartfelt, while others begrudgingly wrote things like, "I love you because you didn't put me up for adoption." They're getting to the I'm-almost-in-middle-school-and-I'm-far-too-cool-for-this stage of the year...
These are a few of my favorites...
 You are the highlight of my day. You are so caring. You help me when I'm sick. You are the best. I love you, Mommy.
 You make my day better, thank you for the football. 
 You are so loving to me, you help me when I have a problem, when I cry you cheer me up, you help me with my homework.
You are the most special person to me. You pick me up from school. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

P.S. - I love that I work in a school where things like this are not only possible during library time, but encouraged and supported. Sigh.

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