Monday, April 28, 2014

Blackout Poetry

Whoa! It's been an insane month of loosing my mother-in-law, driving cross-country, signing a new contract for the coming school year and welcoming my husband home after being on the road for five weeks. Sigh. Needless to say, I have been neglecting this here blog. So, to get back into it, I thought I would post an overview of the coolest type of poetry I have ever seen!

Austin Kleon, the author of Newspaper Blackout (as well as a number of other awesome art-inspiring titles) is the guru of blackout poetry. His Newspaper Blackout site is pure awesomeness. He has the ability to make something surprisingly hard to do, look incredibly easy.

I'm going to attempt to do blackout poetry with my fifth graders today, we'll see how it goes. They're far more creative than I, so I have high hopes. Check back for potentially cool results...

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