Friday, January 3, 2014

Tu B'Shevat Decor

My first year at a Jewish school has been a wonderful learning experience. I am especially excited to be introduced to all of the holidays and I am incredibly lucky to have such patient and supportive co-workers (and students) who are eager to slowly explain (and re-explain) holidays, traditions, food, religious practices, the list goes on and on.

One holiday I am anxious to start decorating for is Tu B'Shevat (unsure of what that is? Check out this great resource for a basic explanation). I love that the holiday celebrates trees and the environment. I was thrilled to be able to display my dear (and tremendously) talented friend, Luke Robertson's artwork.
If you look closely, you will see that he used the branches to spell the following: "Write to be Understood, Speak to be Heard, Read to Grow." This quote comes from legendary UCLA librarian, Lawrence Clark Powell. As a tribute, Luke carved Powell's name into the trunk of the tree.
I wanted to create a fun background for the piece and used Eric Carle (again, I know, but I LOVE him!) as an inspiration... I painted white tissue paper with various greens, let them dry and attached them to the bulletin board before hanging the tree. I am incredibly pleased with how it looks, I am thrilled for others to see it!

*I am currently working on a giant tree made out of recycled materials and tree-themed garland, check back later to see if they come to fruition!

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