I changed two things up this week and I was so pleased with the response, I think I'll keep both of them as part of my regular routine. First, I set up an array of bug-themed books around the reading room. I know this is standard practice in public library storytimes, but it was a first for me. Not only did I love the look and how it tied the entire room together, but it really helped to increase circulation for books related to the topic. Yippee!
In addition, I have also decided to mindfully start incorporating Hebrew words into our storytime. To be honest, being a Hebrew-immersion school, I am quite surprised I hadn't started doing this earlier... But, being new to the language, the school and the culture, I'm giving myself a (little) patience. With the support of my amazing Hebrew-speaking library assistant and the classroom teachers, I'm looking forward to finding Hebrew words that fit with my weekly theme.
Book: The Grouchy Ladybug
by Eric Carle
This classic is always a hit! Even the kids that have heard it before were listening in awe as the animals grew bigger and bigger. All of my classes got a kick out of helping me with the repetition, it was a great (and loud) introduction to some fun activities.
I had hoped to read Jan Thomas' Can You Make a Scary Face? but we ran out of time. Bummer. It's adorable and so interactive.
Activity: Shoo-Fly Puppets
I was, once again, inspired by both Mel's Desk and Falling Flannel for this fun song that quickly gets rid of any wiggle-worming. We had an in-service on Monday, so throughout the day I assembled flies. I got several admirers stopping by my table and checking out these little cuties, every teacher walked away chuckling. Each of my kiddos picked out a shoo fly (after we talked about treating them very gently) and they helped me sing the following song:
Shoo-fly, don't bother me
Shoo-fly, don't bother me
Shoo-fly don't bother me
I belong to somebody
Oh, no! Shoo-fly landed on my _____________
(Chin, shin, elbow, ear, nose, neck, ect)
(Don't you just love the mug and my shoo-fly bouquet? I got the mug from Jessie over at CakeSpy).
Already looking forward to my Cake-themed storytime next week... I'm getting hungry already!
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